Monday, January 23, 2006

Very sleepy right now. Slept late last night. And what a wonderful night it was! My uncle turned 50 yesterday and in honour of that we threw him a surprise party. I got me some ale to drink and we partied into the wee hours of the morning. At one point, my uncle got up onto a chair and gave a speech thanking us all for the party. Somewhat like old Bilbo in The Lord of the Rings; only Bilbo turned 111 and my uncle turned 50. So anyways, I had a spanking time yesterday.

I am reading this book by Richard Bach called Johnathan Livingstone Seagull. And it truly is a magnificent book. Its about a seagull who wants to fly. Really fly. Seagulls usually only fly to get their daily fish and then they come back to shore. But Johnathan Gull wants to master the art of flight. And he wants to teach the other gulls too, show them that there's more to life than going after fish and scraps of stale bread. He is scorned at and ridiculed and chided and eventually banished from the flock for his unorthodox ways but inspite of that, he masters flight. It is a book that gives us an example that we can do whatever we want to if we set our mind to it. If we truly want it and work for it then it is easy to attain. I am yet to finish the book and I will post more about it once I'm done.

My day, so far, has been getting better and better. In the morning I was a little downcast, then I cheered up and now I'm almost back to normal. That's it for now, I suppose. No Formula One news today, at least not right now, cause I'm yet to update myself with the latest happenings in the paddock.


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